My First Bitsy Game!

I finished and released my first Bitsy game!

February 21, 2022

This is my game's cover image! The title is: There's Hair On The Floor Again!

This isn't really so much of a blog post as it is an announcement (I really gotta figure out a better format for these things), but I finished and released my first Bitsy game!

I know that theoretically I could embed them here somehow but I don't know how to do that so I'll just post the link at the end of this post

It started as a little venting text and then I decided, hey, what's better to kickstart my creative drive again than to make it into something with the slightest bit of interactivity? And then this happened!

Content warnings and such should be on the Itch page. I might change the colors later if it's too much of an eyestrain, I'm not very knowledgeable in art theory... or art practice.

Without further ado, here it is! And thank you for playing if you do!