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Here's some albums!

Blantantly stealing my boyfriend's music page layout to talk a bit abt some music I like!

A collage style image of some albums I like

I tried to include one album per artist which was very hard since I only listen to the same 5 artists pretty much. These are in relative chronological order from when I found out or got really into them. Here's a little ramble about each album, left-to-right top-to-bottom.

  • Pale Machine Expansion Pack — bo en: bo en is pretty much the same artists I really got into! Saw his music on the trailer for that one game I don't really like and then learned that, usually, if you like an artists' work, they probably have other works that you might also like. bo en's music has been with me through a significant portion of my life and i like it a lot.
  • Lighthouse — All Levels At Once: I really struggled to pick which of their albums to put in here! I was considering Tesselate since I used to like most of the songs in it, but ultimately Haunt stuck with me even after all these years. I learned about ALAO after they weren't a thing anymore, a couple months after Lift Off came out. Then they formed Hey Dog Dog, which was really cool! And I still check in on Sink's Soundcloud every once in a while to see what new tracks they've come up with. Their partner also does some really cool art nowadays!
  • ZERO-GO — PinocchioP: Most of my favorite PinocchioP songs are in completely different albums or not even in an album at all, I pretty much only chose this one because Yozurina is here and that's my favorite song! Some other favorites are Loveit, Secret Himitsu and m/es. Definitely my favorite vocaloid producer even if I haven't really enjoyed a lot of his recent songs.
  • Unleashed — NIIC the Singing Dog: The only song from here I listen to nowadays still is Freaks pretty much. I'm putting it here mostly for the sentimental value, as Paws To The Walls was pretty much the only thing I listened to for like a solid month once I decided to really look into furry subculture and such.
  • Boxed Garden — Yasunori Mitsuda: The Graffiti Kingdom soundtrack! If you've been to my about page, you already know how much that game means to me. If not, go find out!
  • Sparkling Music — Deavid Soul: This one is kind of a stand in for other video game albums in general, since I didn't wanna clog the chart with them. Sonic CD, Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass, Iconoclasts, Thomas Was Alone and a bunch of others go here! And I know only one (two?) song from Sparkling Music are actually in JSR, but give me a break.
  • Coffee and Ramen — Go! Child: I'll admit that I found out about Go! Child and Snapcube in general because of the funny Sonic Adventure dubs. And I don't really watch their stuff as much as I would like to nowadays since my attention stuff is all over the place. But I was there for the premiere of this album and it means a lot for me, and it slaps! DeReconstruct is also really good!
  • Reddishness — Girls Rituals: Devi McCallion has a billion pseudonyms and genres and songs and they all slap! I could have chosen Waisteisolation to put here, but this whole album is my bad mood album pretty much so it deserves the spot.
  • Carousel — Vylet Pony: Really struggled with this one as well since I really like most of Vylet's discography! I ended up choosing Carousel because I was there for the premiere and all of the songs hit with me, but Cutiemarks and Fish Whisperer are also fantastic albums. Queen of Misfits and Love Letters: Colorless are also great. I've been having a bit of a horse music renaissance recently and this is a stand in for that. Some other names I could have put here are Namii, Metajoker, Koa, Synthis and 4everfreebrony.