Hello! I'm not sure how to begin something like this... This post might be updated a little bit as I figure out what to put here VS the homepage VS the about page, but in general I want my neocities experience to be something more casual. Just putting some thoughts out there, in the most easygoing (and hopefully unmarketable) way possible.
I'll start with what's been on my mind the most about making this site: how much technical experience I lack. Even using a simple template like Zonelets (go check it out on my footer!) still leaves most of the work to be done manually with HTML and CSS. I have a less-than-surface level knowledge of a handful of programming languages, and these two just so happen to be... even shallower than most, if that's even possible!
Not that I feel pressured, of course not. This is the very definition of a personal project. The farthest possible definition to modern social media. And, depending on when you're reading this, there might not even be a comments section for you to be able to tell me what I'm doing wrong just yet! No, I'm worried that this highly customizable nature is going to slowly overwhelm me to the point that I'll be too sidetracked to make actual content.
That's right, in the notes about what posts I'll make in the future, this particular one is titled "Complexity with Purpose: Plans for this little blog thing". So... that's what I'm gonna talk about!
It's very easy for me to get sidetracked with cool features. And I mean, very easy. And I also mean, cool features. Have you guys seen GifyPet? I want to put a GifyPet on this site so bad...
The point is... I like features! Features are good! But a lot of the time I think of a feature before I even think of what to do with it, and if it'll mix with what I already have. Sure, it'll look cool when I find something to do with it... When and if I do. Have you played Starbound across different updates? It is just like Starbound. It's exactly like Starbound.
Also, did you know Starbound's developer Chucklefish used to (and probably still does) exploit their employees? This doesn't have anything to do with what I'm talking about, but I thought I should let you guys know.
So! I'll start small. I'll stick closely to the Zonelets template, at least until I get out all of the post ideas I have written down up until this point. If I find a cool feature that'll mesh well with what I have? I'll consider getting it. If not, just having this simple blogging format is enough to get my thoughts out there. Before form comes frequency.
I'll probably get a GifyPet either way. That stuff rocks. Unmonetizability forever!